27 Mar De-Stress Your Morning Routine

Do you feel like you’ve run a marathon by 9 a.m. every day? You’re not alone. Mornings, especially if you work outside the home, have school-age kids or both, can be the most crazy-making part of a parent’s day. We ...

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25 Mar 25 Ways to Make Time for Fitness

Most common excuse for not exercising? Survey says: “No time.” But examine that excuse at close range and you’ll see it’s usually about something deeper, says Lavinia Rodriguez, PhD, clinical psychologist and author of Mind Over Fat ...

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21 Mar Killing Flu Germs- What Works?

We’ve all seen news reports about the revolting germs that lurk on the surfaces of things we touch every day. So as flu season approaches, you might be preparing for battle, a battle against flu germs, a battle waged on doorknobs, and ...

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