10 Apr 10 Tips for a Healthier Summer

Summer has finally arrived! It’s time to whip out the BBQs, dig out those bikinis and jet off on holiday for some well-deserved relaxation on the beach. However, for many of us, summer also brings the temptations of ice cream, ...

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27 Mar De-Stress Your Morning Routine

Do you feel like you’ve run a marathon by 9 a.m. every day? You’re not alone. Mornings, especially if you work outside the home, have school-age kids or both, can be the most crazy-making part of a parent’s day. We ...

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25 Mar 25 Ways to Make Time for Fitness

Most common excuse for not exercising? Survey says: “No time.” But examine that excuse at close range and you’ll see it’s usually about something deeper, says Lavinia Rodriguez, PhD, clinical psychologist and author of Mind Over Fat ...

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