Hello friends and clients. I hope you are having a wonderful summer… but don’t let the lazy summer days slip by without calling me! Soon the kids will start getting ready to go back to school and you’ll be frantic to cram in just one more summer getaway and then suddenly you’ll look down and…
“Uh-Oh… Are Those Traffic Lanes?”
‘Traffic Lanes’ are those shadowy hints of grime and dirt that begin to create certain wear patterns in your once beautiful, fluffy carpets. Your delicate carpet fibers start becoming vulnerable to breakdown and fray. If you don’t call your professional carpet cleaner right away, those lanes could become (gulp!) permanent.
“Don’t Let Your Carpets Age In Dog Years!”
Remember when your carpet was new? Kind of like a little puppy – young and fresh and happy. But we all know our furry friends age “in dog years” and unfortunately are “91” by the time we’ve only had them 13 years – a carpet that isn’t cleaned on a regular schedule can age similarly. I’ve seen 10-year-old carpets that still look like new and 3-year-old carpets that looked like they were 20.
It all comes down to cleaning and maintenance.
I know this is not the most exciting subject and the summer sun is calling to you but just one more thing…
“How Does $25 Cash Sound To You?”
That’s $25 cash you can put towards having a little more fun before summer is truly over. And that’s exactly what you’ll save if you go ahead and call me today. Remember – clean before traffic lanes appear to prevent premature carpet aging and extend the beauty and life of your investment.