Ideal Carpet Cleaning specializes in providing commercial carpet cleaning equipment and support to businesses just like yours. Our equipment along with your well-trained staff can provide your business with quality commercial carpet care. I would be pleased to show you how your carpet can look like new, and demonstrate how you can save money with a well laid out carpet maintenance program using the Cimex encapsulation machine.
Your Carpet Can Look Like New:
The Cimex encapsulation process penetrates deep into the carpet fiber to remove deeply embedded soil. Our cleaning system transforms dull and muted carpet and restores its vibrant beauty. Let us show you how we can give your old carpet a new lease on life.
Tired of Ugly Carpets? So are we!
For years it was expected that commercial carpets would eventually “ugly out” and go to an early grave. Not any longer! Now you can utilize innovative cleaning technologies to help your carpet stay clean longer. Your carpet will continue to look good day-in, day-out.
Sick of Recurring Spills Stains?
The number one cause for complaint with a commercial carpet is recurring stains from drink spills. These stains often reappear a few days after cleaning. Are ugly gray spill stains driving you crazy? Well you can now say goodbye to those spill stains! Our unique crystallizing spill-stop treatment completely eliminates recurring spill stains.
You Spend A Third Of Your Life At Work:
Eight hours a day. My goodness, that’s a third of your life! We recognize that your place of business is your home away from home. That’s why we would like to help you design a cleaning program to make your workplace a nicer place to spend the day. Shouldn’t you be able to enjoy working in an attractive, clean and healthy environment?
A Clean Carpet Pays For Itself:
A 5 year old carpet that has been cleaned on a regular basis will maintain a 92% appearance rating. Whereas a 5 year old carpet that has been neglected can degrade to a 50% appearance rating (according to Allied Fibers). So it makes sound sense to take care of your carpeting investment. The proper maintenance program can save you money when it comes to cleaning the carpet. We can help you tailor a carpet maintenance plan to fit your needs.