It’s no secret that carpets and rugs are particularly prone to developing mold and need to be cleaned often. Carpet mold can produce unpleasant smells as well as ruin your carpets or rugs, and can even cause mild to serious health issues, such as allergy attacks and asthma. Mold can be an especially serious issue in semi-continental climates such as Ottawa’s, which feature a very cold, wet winter and a warm, humid summer. The high humidity, both in winter and summer, creates an ideal environment for the development of mold. However, it can be treated in a variety of ways without necessarily having to hire a professional.
Inspect Your Carpet for Mold
Make sure that the mold has not reached the backing at the base of the carpet or rug; if this is the case, it might be too difficult to remove and you may need to hire a professional or even replace the carpet.
Inspect your carpet for mold, identifiable by white, black or green patches. You can also use a DIY testing kit to really make sure.
Use Home Supplies
Baking soda can absorb moisture and reduce odours, and can be an effective solution for light mold problems. Cover the affected area with baking soda and leave it on overnight. In alternative to baking soda, it is possible to use talc-free baby powder or cat litter.
White vinegar is another home remedy; it will not kill every species, but it is often effective and definitely cheap. Spray your carpet or rug lightly and use a stiff brush to scrub it. After that, blow dry the carpet to avoid leaving moisture which will just help the mold grow again.
Use Commercial Products
Most drug stores and supermarkets sell anti-fungal sprays. Make sure the product is specifically formulated for carpets, as anti-fungal treatments designed for other surfaces or areas, such as kitchens or bathrooms, could damage your carpet or rug significantly.
If your carpet or rug is usually kept in a humid location, search for a product which also contains a mold barrier, designed to leave a barrier on the fibres which effectively prevents growth in the future.
Reduce Humidity in Your Home
A good heating system can dry out the air in your house, therefore reducing humidity and creating an inhospitable environment for mold. Another way to reduce humidity is to invest in a tankless water heater. By not having preheated water stored in a tank, the humidity will also decrease. Additionally, tankless water heaters have a number of benefits: they can help you reduce your bills and optimize water efficiency in the house.
Take Care of Your Carpets and Rugs
Regularly cleaning and inspecting your carpet and rugs for mold is necessary not only to keep your carpet mold free, but also to maintain it in perfect condition. Carpets and rugs can be a great investment and become a focal piece for any room, so it’s important to keep them in top shape.
About the Author
Jane Sandwood is a freelance writer with over 10 years of experience writing on a variety of topics. She also has several years of experience working in the cleaning industry.