Did you know most hospital emergency rooms claim they are much busier in the summer months when people are out and about playing? Here are some great reminders to have a fun and stay safe while you play this summer.
#1: Keep safe in the sun
Heat related injuries can creep up on you or a loved one before you realize it. Heat exhaustion can make you ill, but heat stroke can be dangerous, even fatal. According to WebMD, “Heat stroke results from prolonged exposure to high temperatures — usually in combination with dehydration — which leads to failure of the body’s temperature control system.” Be in the know when it comes to spotting the warning signs of heat injury. Prevention is the best medicine so make sure your air conditioner is in working order, avoid physical exertion in the heat, and keep yourself cool and well hydrated on sweltering summer days.
#2: Keep safe while playing
Cycling, skateboarding, dirt biking, mountain biking, riding ATV’s and motorcycles, are all fun summer activities, but require helmets to be safe. Studies have shown time and again that many head injuries are preventable with the use of a proper fitting helmet.
#3: Keep safe while traveling
Road trips are part of summer fun. Remind everyone you love to drive sober and put their phones away while driving. Be sure to carry extra food and water with you on a long road trip, you never know when you could run into car trouble in the middle of a hot deserted area with no cell service.
#4: Keep safe while swimming
Who doesn’t love the water? But according to the CDC, “Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury death for children ages 1 to 14 years, and the fifth leading cause for people of all ages.” Learning how to reduce these risks is vital. Some great tips are: learn to swim, avoid rip currants, use life jackets, avoid alcohol around the water, heed warning flags, and use the buddy system or a lifeguard.